PJ Neal

Thoughts from a more-than-occasional writer

“Being a Source of Truth for the Organization”: The Role of Chief Legal Officers in an Era of Disruption [Russell Reynolds Associates]

According to recent research from Russell Reynolds and The Conference Board, more than 70 percent of companies who have created a senior-level crisis response team in the wake of the pandemic have appointed legal staff to that team, and many have appointed their Chief Legal Officer to run it. This shouldn’t be surprising: The Coronavirus pandemic has created a myriad of legal challenges for corporations, and Chief Legal Officers have the skills and experiences necessary to take on leadership roles in a period of crisis.

Our colleagues in Russell Reynolds’ Legal, Regulatory, and Compliance Practice recently spoke with nearly 100 corporate chief legal officers and general counsels about the challenges facing businesses today and how corporate legal teams are playing a role in their response. They shared with us insights about the uniqueness of today’s challenge and lessons learned from the difficulties they’ve navigated and that others will likely face. Here is what they said.

Read the full paper, co-authored with Nick Dials, Cynthia Dow, Anthony Goodman, and Adriana Zaccone, and published by Russell Reynolds Associates.