PJ Neal

Thoughts from a more-than-occasional writer

Leadership in a Pandemic [Chief Executive]

Pandemics are unlike any other challenge we face as leaders. There are no words to fully describe the feeling of dread when you find out one of your colleagues has fallen ill. There are also no words to describe the feeling of pride when you hear of a colleague going out of their way to help others in hard-hit areas of the world.

As a leader, you want to always have the right answers and know what to do, but these last few weeks have plunged many of us into a situation that most have never faced before, and one that lacks clear answers. I cannot help but think the best path forward right now is for senior leaders to share with their peers what they are doing to navigate this situation, and what they have learned from past challenges.

We recently published guidance on leading through uncertainty. I also wanted to share with you what we have seen successful leaders do to drive leadership performance and accelerate development in a time of crisis like this:

I had the pleasure of assisting Clarke Murphy with this article, which was published by Chief Executive.