PJ Neal

Thoughts from a more-than-occasional writer


  • Charged with substantial compliance responsibility in recent years, most internal audit departments have deviated from their traditional role as the audit committee’s “eyes and ears.” However, internal audit is now beginning another transformation, evolving toward a more value-added role providing guidance to the audit committee and assistance to the business units. Consequently, the audit committee…

  • Ayant été chargée de lourdes responsabilités en matière de conformité au cours des dernières années, la fonction vérification interne de la plupart des entreprises s’est éloignée de son rôle traditionnel, en vertu duquel elle représentait en quelque sorte les yeux et les oreilles du comité de vérification. Or, cette fonction s’engage maintenant dans un nouveau…

  • A major transaction requires participation and hard work from all board members. While audit committee members have a special role to play in reviewing the financial implications of a deal and monitoring post-transaction performance, the burden of oversight must rest with the whole board. With the support of independent experts, and through proper monitoring before…

  • One member closed out our discussion by sharing the maxim “Good judgment comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgment.” Although navigating challenging situations is difficult, it can improve directors’ confidence in their ability to handle adversity and frequently leads to changes that improve future performance. Read the full paper, published by Tapestry Networks and…

  • En guise de conclusion à la réunion du RCCV, l’un des membres a rappelé la maxime suivante : «Le bon jugement découle de l’expérience, et l’expérience repose en bonne partie sur le mauvais jugement.» En dépit de la difficulté de composer avec des situations difficiles, celles-ci peuvent amener les administrateurs à avoir davantage confiance en…

  • For many firms, IT is increasingly becoming “the engine that drives the business,” but the new opportunities IT creates also bring with them new risks. Clear communication and strong relationships must exist to make sure that nothing is overlooked in IT governance efforts. Even though few directors consider themselves IT experts, they can draw on…

  • In a world in which “IT is pervasive,” companies are experiencing new opportunities and risks associated with information technology. Clear communication and strong relationships must exist to make sure that there is no governance overlap and that nothing is overlooked. Even though few directors consider themselves IT experts, they can draw on many sources of…

  • Dans un monde caractérisé par l’omniprésence des TI, les entreprises font face aux nouvelles possibilités et aux nouveaux risques qui en découlent. Des communications claires et des relations solides doivent prévaloir, de façon à favoriser l’élimination des chevauchements en matière de gouvernance et à faire en sorte qu’aucun aspect ne soit escamoté. Bien que peu…

  • Institutional shareholders are more actively seeking to influence corporate governance practices. While this could lead to greater conflict between shareholder and corporate interests, there is no reason to assume that confrontation is inevitable. Leading institutional shareholders have a clear interest in supporting and enhancing the financial strength of the corporations in which they invest, and…